GLOHS Organic Skincare & Health Products
By Grace Lee
The first time when I first heard the term eating raw; all I could think of were salads and fruits. It was not until when I stumbled upon Wild Food Café at Covent Garden in London did I know there is a whole new way of nourishing oneself. There was not only a complete variety of appetizers to mains that were flavorful and colorful, but there also desserts including cakes and cookies!
I got hooked on eating raw for a while and took a couple certificate courses in order to understand more about this topic. My first finding was that raw food can actually come in warm! That was a surprise to me. The definition of raw food is that as long as the food has not been heated above 116 degrees, it is considered raw. Which means a zucchini pasta can actually be dressed in a warm tomato sauce. Or I can enjoy a bowl of warm vegetable soup during the winter.
So what’s the reason for keeping everything heated under 116 degrees? It is because of this, the nutrients and enzymes are kept. There are a lot of naturally occurring nutrients and enzymes in raw foods, they are considered to be the food’s most nourishing parts. When foods are exposed to above 116 degrees, these nutrients and enzymes are damaged. Also, raw foods stay in the stomach for far less time than cooked foods. Which means your digestive system has less to do; thus feeling lighter, more energetic.
I remember after a few weeks into eating raw, I was really missing eating something sweet. Today I am sharing with you a recipe I developed that incorporates a few super foods as ingredients. They’re handy and super delicious. I might not be eating raw everyday but raw cookies remain as one of my favorite raw recipes. I make them in my dehydrator, but if you set your oven to the lowest possible temperature, it’ll work too.
Super Sesame Raw Cookies
Raw Cashew Flour 2 1/4 cup (or 2 cups of cashew and 1/4 cup of pecan or pistachio flour)
Oat Flour 1 1/3 cup
Black Sesame powder 4 tbsp
White Sesame seeds1-2 tbsp
Maple Syrup 1/3 cup
Wolfberries ¼ cup
Vanilla extract 1 tbsp
Sea Salt ½ tsp